Our skills


Basing on our company experience, many years practice of our workers, supported by computer calculation technique and high quality measuring equipment, we offer our service within the range:

    • Pre-investment audits related to commercial investment, urban and regional development strategies.
    • Full environmental audits of investment proposals.
    • Environmental audits in enterprises.
    • Project Management either as lead contractor or as sub-contractors.
    • Preparation of documentation required by authorities in connection with investment projects and concerning air, noise, water and sewage, wastes, soil pollution.
    • Research-analytical work on air pollutants emission, noise, water and sewage quality, wastes management, soil and underground water quality, strength of electromagnetic field etc.
    • Preventive re-engineering of production processes to reduce environmental impact .
    • Advise on procurement of specialistic equipment.
    • Design, implementation and monitoring of Environmental Management Systems.
    • Training for corporations and authorities on issues related to environmental protection.
    • Advise on environmental legislation within the Common Market.


Over the years, we have set up and cultivated relationships with a large number of companies, associations and universities or individual experts in the field of Environmental protection.